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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:32 pm
by Chuck
Does anyone know where a good place in the area is to buy garden soil? I need about a yard or 1.5 yards, and I'm assuming the local nurseries are mostly overpriced. Need some good stuff for growing vegetables, etc.



Re: GardenSoil

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 9:53 pm
by WayneS
Roth Nursery in Armonk is supposed to be pretty good, although for a yard you're going to need a truck or something. I discovered something pretty cool today though - had always heard about it but saw firsthand today. Off Gedney Way, where the turn to the dumping area is, there is a whole area with all kinds of free garden stuff. They had garden soil, wood chips, wood mulch, and the thing I came for - compost (the guy said it was leaf compost). Very cool! I just backed up my car, brought a shovel and some home depot garden bags, and filled a few up. The car stunk but I got plenty of free compost.